Mitfahrer in Bernie?

Nachdem wir dank der Antarktis-Reise schon einmal mit Robert einen Mitfahrer hatten (siehe Tag 99-100), war es jetzt an Weihnachten wieder soweit. Wir sammelten an Tag 131 in Cochrane Emily and Brandon auf, die wir auf unserer Antarktis-Fahrt kennengelernt hatten. Wie Saskia und ich die Zeit mit Emily und Brandon erlebt haben, könnt ihr in den Posts zwischen Tag 131 und Tag 152 nachlesen. Hier beantworten euch Emily and Brandon, wie sie die Zeit zu viert in Bernie erlebt haben und wie es überhaupt dazu kam.

Gruppenbild an Sylvester

Interview mit Emily und Brandon

1. Let’s start with the basics: Who are you, what are you doing in South America, and how do you know Saskia and Dominik?

Emily and Brandon: We are on sabbatical from our jobs in Canada and taking a year to travel! We started in South America because we both love the outdoors and wanted to see Patagonia. We met Saskia and Dominik in Antarctica onboard the Ushuaia, an old research vessel that has been refitted for cruises.

2. Why did you trade your cozy life in private hostel rooms for 10 m² shared with four people in Bernie? Were you in your right mind?

Emily and Brandon: Ha! Who could pass up Bernie? We thought it’d be a fun adventure and we were right. We also thought it’d be a fun crew of people to explore the Carretera Austral together. Besides, living in a van is cool, you have all the flexibility to see different things you want!

3. How many days and nights have you spent living in Bernie?

Emily and Brandon: We joined Bernie December 26th and left January 15th. In total, we spent almost 3 weeks with them though a few nights were spent camping on hikes.

4. What surprised you the most about living together with Saskia and Dominik?

Emily and Brandon: How well 4 people can live in such a small place and how generous Dominik and Saskia are to share that space. Also, how sneaky sneaky Dominik is at cards 😉

5. Which of Bernie’s quirks annoyed you the most? And what was your favorite part about Bernie?

Annoying Quirk: The silly drawer that likes to come open during gravel road sections and launch cutlery all over the back and the poorly located light switch Brandon always turned on with his butt.

Favourite: The comfy bed and our morning ritual of putting the bed away while Dominik made coffee.

6. And what about the bathroom situation? A toilet for four people, where everyone can hear everything—how did you survive?

Emily and Brandon: We pooped in the woods! We made it all three weeks without pooping in Bernie! We did pee in the van but that wasn’t bad! Dominik pooped in the van multiple times and it was funnier than anything.

7. Were you ever afraid for your life while riding in the back seat of this rickety vehicle?

Emily and Brandon: Only a couple of times when we went around a bend and stuff would fall. Well, maybe a dirt road or two as well but mostly it was pretty good! Brandon would just go to sleep anyways so he missed most of it! His favourite part of Bernie may have actually been how much nap time he got.

8. What advice would you give to future passengers joining this adventure?

Emily and Brandon: Don’t trade your red beans and buy extra beer! In all seriousness, go with the flow and have fun. Sometimes the best part of the day is just playing games at the beach and relaxing with Dominik and Saskia. Also – get into Takis, TVP and hot sauce.

9. What title would you give to the movie about your three weeks with Bernie?

Emily and Brandon: The Rattling; A road trip saga of twists, turns, beers and buds.

10. What is your Mountain, Valley, and Stream?

Mountain: Our multi-day hike of Cerro Castillo and the Chepu morning kayak.

Valley: Horse flies and running out of beer.

Stream: Seeing Saskia and Dominik again for more adventures and hearing about their travels North through the rest of South America.

Gedicht von Brandon zu Bernie und den gemeinsamen Wochen

Flat tires and exhaust held with wire,
Bernie’s fixed, and the Pisco’s mixed.
Time for beans and backseat dreams,
Jump on in, and let the adventure begin!

Kategorien: Panamericana

1 Kommentar

Robert Emmerich · Februar 4, 2025 um 15:58

Einfach herrlich ehrlich und witzig 🤣
Erinnert mich an meine Zeit mit Bernie 😅

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